I remember when I told my wife, Roni, I wanted to be more productive. She replied, “Just get up in the morning 2 hours earlier.” I was curious what the difference 2 hours would make in my day. That internal question was answered when I began rising 2 hours earlier each day. I learned it wasn’t about 2 hours, but about years of productive time that I was sleeping through.
If you wake up and “take on your day” two hours earlier you have found 730 extra hours per year to produce. Over a 10 year period of time, that equates to 7300 hours. In those 7300 hours you have found 182.5 additional work weeks (40 hours per week). Those work weeks comprise 3.5 years of extra effort. Think about it, getting up 2 hours earlier and applying yourself to your goal has purchased you 3.5 years of TIME to make your dreams come true.
One of the attributes of successful people is not just how they allocate time, but how they create time. When most people think they are too busy, successful people find time in an already busy schedule and then apply their efforts in a more focused fashion.
Wake up early
Give thanks
Take a walk together
Review your goals
Make Every Moment Count!
Always lead,